Summary of the Milton Keynes Lacrosse Club Constitution:


  • The club’s name is Milton Keynes Lacrosse Club.
  • The club’s aims and objectives are to promote and develop the game of lacrosse, achieve playing success, integrate men and women, players of all ages, races, and abilities, and promote an enjoyable social life.


  • Membership is open to anyone who completes an application form and pays the membership fee.
  • There are two classes of membership: senior (17 years and over) and junior (16 years and under).
  • Members have the right to vote at general meetings.


  • The club holds an annual general meeting (AGM) every year, where members can vote on important issues.
  • The AGM is used to elect honorary officers, agree membership fees, and discuss other important business.
  • Extraordinary general meetings (EGMs) can be called by the management committee or by 15 members.

Management Committee

  • The management committee is responsible for the day-to-day running of the club.
  • The committee consists of honorary officers, including the chair, treasurer, and secretary.
  • The committee has the power to make decisions on behalf of the club and to formulate bye-laws.

Selection Committee

  • The selection committee is responsible for selecting teams and making decisions about player selection.
  • The committee consists of the captains and vice-captains of the active teams and the coach.

Disciplinary Measures

  • The management committee has the power to discipline members who have been guilty of conduct considered to be disgraceful or prejudicial to the interests of the club.
  • A disciplinary committee can be appointed to investigate and make recommendations.

Alteration of the Constitution

  • The constitution can only be altered at a general meeting, with at least 21 days’ notice given to members.


  • The honorary treasurer is responsible for managing the club’s finances.
  • An income and expenditure statement and a balance sheet must be prepared annually and audited by a member.


  • A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed by a 75% majority vote at a general meeting.
  • The club’s assets must be transferred to another body with similar objectives.


  • Honorary officers and members of the club are indemnified by the club against all costs and losses for which they may become liable by reason of duty performed for and with the authority of the management committee.

Full details are located HERE